Ut sodales turpis maximus, ornare tellus in, sodales purus. Suspendisse vehicula mi sed tortor cursus ultrices sit amet sit amet turpis. Nulla facilisi.
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Curabitur ac molestie orci, id laoreet lacus. Nam elit lorem, rhoncus sit amet molestie et, semper in justo. Quisque elit orci, commodo dapibus elit vitae, suscipit iaculis justo.
Experienced Professionals
Satisfied Clients
Morbi tincidunt venenatis sapien eu commodo. Nam suscipit porttitor accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et justo turpis. Nullam id accumsan nisl.
Nunc malesuada, sapien sed hendrerit rhoncus, est est accumsan ante, faucibus imperdiet libero nisi quis risus.
Suspendisse vel ipsum rutrum, tincidunt neque lobortis, facilisis leo. Suspendisse dignissim egestas tellus, id tempor libero molestie facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed molestie, nisl et interdum blandit, turpis elit pellentesque massa, ut iaculis nunc tellus eget enim. Etiam sem dolor, gravida non elementum vel, ultricies vitae felis. Aliquam posuere ipsum malesuada rutrum scelerisque. Nam posuere aliquam sodales. In ut dui eu eros consectetur finibus vehicula quis sapien.
What Our Clients Say
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Host or Sponsor an Event:
Bloom hosts events throughout the year to raise awareness of sex trafficking and fundraise to support our mission. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, please visit our events page or contact us.
You are also welcome to host your own event whether to raise awareness within your community and/or as a fundraiser. And, our team is here to help in planning your event. Some ideas include the following, but we are open to your creative ideas as well!
- Host an event with your friends and colleagues to learn more about sex trafficking in the Lehigh Valley. We will gladly provide a speaker.
Our Homes:
- Support a drive to provide essential items and/or gift cards for survivors or clothing and accessories for My Sister’s Closet.
- Sponsor a spa day for one survivor
- Invite our CEO to speak at your church or organization to learn more about sex trafficking in our community.
The amazing individuals that volunteer for Bloom, My Sister’s Closet and Bloom Creative Studio are the lifeblood of our organization. They help us fulfill our mission and make a difference in our community. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, there are numerous areas where we need your help:
- Our Homes – in our various homes that provide sanctuary for women survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, we are looking for volunteers to:
- serve as drivers for appointments (women only). Click here for our Sign-up Form.
- accompany staff for recreation outings
- participate or lead activities such as crafting & cooking (women only)
- teachers for our Flourish job readiness program
- assist mothers with babies and small children in Mountain Laurel House
- help around the homes, including:
- small home repairs
- landscaping projects
- move furniture
- indoor painting projects