Ut sodales turpis maximus, ornare tellus in, sodales purus. Suspendisse vehicula mi sed tortor cursus ultrices sit amet sit amet turpis. Nulla facilisi.

Maecenas condimentum tempus urna, ut porta tortor sollicitudin non. Aliquam accumsan nibh eu mauris semper bibendum. Duis purus enim, pellentesque eu justo vitae, lobortis sollicitudin neque. Suspendisse sagittis tortor non venenatis consectetur. Donec mattis iaculis dolor tempus volutpat. Sed id leo a urna dignissim scelerisque. Sed eget dui id augue lobortis sollicitudin in a sapien.

Lorem Ipsum

Curabitur ac molestie orci, id laoreet lacus. Nam elit lorem, rhoncus sit amet molestie et, semper in justo. Quisque elit orci, commodo dapibus elit vitae, suscipit iaculis justo.

Lorem Ipsum

Curabitur ac molestie orci, id laoreet lacus. Nam elit lorem, rhoncus sit amet molestie et, semper in justo. Quisque elit orci, commodo dapibus elit vitae, suscipit iaculis justo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt sapien at hendrerit placerat. Cras pellentesque ornare ligula eu interdum.

Experienced Professionals

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt sapien at hendrerit placerat. Cras pellentesque ornare ligula eu interdum.

Satisfied Clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt sapien at hendrerit placerat. Cras pellentesque ornare ligula eu interdum.

Morbi tincidunt venenatis sapien eu commodo. Nam suscipit porttitor accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et justo turpis. Nullam id accumsan nisl.

Nunc malesuada, sapien sed hendrerit rhoncus, est est accumsan ante, faucibus imperdiet libero nisi quis risus.

Suspendisse vel ipsum rutrum, tincidunt neque lobortis, facilisis leo. Suspendisse dignissim egestas tellus, id tempor libero molestie facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed molestie, nisl et interdum blandit, turpis elit pellentesque massa, ut iaculis nunc tellus eget enim. Etiam sem dolor, gravida non elementum vel, ultricies vitae felis. Aliquam posuere ipsum malesuada rutrum scelerisque. Nam posuere aliquam sodales. In ut dui eu eros consectetur finibus vehicula quis sapien.

What Our Clients Say

about us

Our Homes 1As part of our mission, Bloom operates five homes in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania to help women survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation throughout their journey – helping them to start over, to begin to heal and providing them with the hope to transition to a better life.

our services

Bloom provides safety for women survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. As part of Bloom’s emergency response, women survivors are given a safe place to stay, emergency supplies such as food, clothing and essential personal hygiene items. Staff provides case management and referral services to support a survivor as she chooses her next step.

The Heather and Jasmine Houses are two-year residential programs for women survivors of sex trafficking, sexual exploitation and addiction. These homes provide structure and support to heal, empower and employ women survivors through safe housing, trauma-informed programming, partnerships with treatment providers, vocational and educational training, and ongoing connections with a growing community of supporters that believe it’s never too late to start over. This program operates without 24-hour staff or live-in supervision and all services are offered to the women participants at no cost to them.

The Mountain Laurel House is a two-year residential program for pregnant survivors as they heal, deliver and care for their baby.

The Lilac and Lily Houses are fee-based independent living residences for program graduates as they transition to a life of independence.

Gaining safe and meaningful employment is an important part of Bloom’s process to help survivors on their journey to independence. Bloom’s Flourish Workforce Development program is for residents and
graduates helping them gain financial independence. Flourish is offered through our two social enterprises, My Sister’s Closet and the Bloom Creative Studio, as well as partnering companies throughout the Lehigh Valley.

To learn more about Bloom’s two-year residential program, download our “Bloom at a Glance” document by clicking the button below. 

Intake Criteria

Referrals come from a variety of agencies including Homeland Security, FBI, law enforcement, national referral programs, treatment centers, and local providers, as well as individual community members. A phone assessment begins the process where staff, together with the survivor, determine the next step.

Intake Form

Our residential homes offer shelter and a continuum of care to survivors of sexual exploitation, trafficking, trauma, and sexual abuse. All services provided are free of charge. The admissions screening provides preliminary information to assist our homes with determining if a potential applicant is an appropriate candidate for the program.

If you have submitted your application form and would like to check on the status, please email us at intake@bloomforwomen.org